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» Ratiu Foundation
The Ratiu Foundation was established in 1979 by Ion and Elisabeth Ratiu. Its main objective is to promote and support projects which further education and research in the culture and history of Romania and the Romanian people. The Ratiu Scholarships, funded by The Ratiu Foundation, are awarded to Romanian students to study a wide range of subjects in the UK. The scholarships enable talented graduates and young professionals to become familiar with the UK and gain skills, which will benefit Romania. The Ratiu Foundation currently provides up to 30 new scholarships each year for undergraduate and postgraduate studies or research at UK Institutions of Higher Education.
Din enciclopedia (liste utile): Artisti plastici romani in Germania informatia:
Lie-Steiner, Maria
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Din rubrica informatia:
Conferinta UMRL din 29 nov 2003 de la Paris
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